Sarah A. Topol is a Cairo-based journalist. She has reported from Yemen, Libya, the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank. Her writing has appeared in the AtlanticBusinessweekForeign PolicyGQ, Harper'sNewsweek, the New Republic, and Slate, among others.


Mideast Peace

Sami Al Ajrami is the only Palestinian reporter working for an Israeli paper in Gaza—and his goal is to explain each wounded society to the other. Sarah A. Topol reports from Gaza City.

Abdelrahman Mansour struck the spark that ignited Egypt’s revolution. Now the wired activist is in Hamas territory, filming Israel’s air war from ground level. Sarah A. Topol reports.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s web geeks are transforming Egypt’s Islamist group from a shadowy organization with power bases in mosques and charities to a media-savvy machine.